Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How To Combat The Winter Weight Loss Blues

Most people complain when winter is close and, before we know it, winter is over and summer is back in full force. This means that all the layers of clothing come off and we have to expose all the damage done during the winter season. This can be depressing! So, instead of worrying about how to stay fit in winter, let’s start worrying about making the changes and getting fit, so that we are ready for summer. Here's some expert advice from Lisa Raleigh...

Common Winter Problems

Diets start to fall away: During summer you drink lots of water and eat fruit and salads and this can really help your body to get the fibre you need to keep you regular, healthy and boost your immune system. In winter we ditch the fruit and salads and immediately go for foods that are warm, dense and full of fats.

Waking up is so much harder: In winter it is darker in the morning, so you naturally want to stay in bed. You feel lazy and de-motivated to train and therefore start to skip it. The same effect happens in the evening when you are tired and it is so cold and dark outside. Gym whatever the weather!

Pre-cook meals: Cook in bulk, in advance, and freeze. This will stop you from cooking foods that are moreish and bad for you. Try making hearty soups, which also freeze well, and serve with a slice of low GI/Rye bread for a quick winter meal.

Switch to fruits/salads: Don’t wait till the middle of summer to start being good with your fruit and salads. Make yourself a fruit smoothie in the morning, or bake apples with cinnamon to have as a warm, fruity dessert instead of chocolate.

Don’t drink coffee: This is usually full of milk and sugar, and whilst it will warm you up, it is also loaded with calories. Opt for green tea, rooibos tea or a chicory coffee replacement instead.
Indoor workout: Even though it is dark outside, find an indoor sport or hobby to keep you fit. Try dancing, taebo, indoor swimming, or set up a mini-circuit of light weights in your home and train in the cosy indoors.

Get up early with the birds: It may be hard to do this when it is dark outside, but if you get into a routine you will be ready to spring out of bed when summer hits.

Watch your carbohydrates: even though they are good for you, be careful. If you are training less because of the cold, try to eat fewer carbohydrates, or else you may store unwanted fat.

By following these tips and sticking to your routine, you will have no problem with winter, as well as being fit and fabulous by the time summer comes around.
Some extra tips:
-Dry brushing once a day
-Drink lots of water: one glass for every 10kg of your body weight
-Use certain additional supplements: find a supplement to boost your immune system if you are sickly and breaking from training
-Train with a buddy: this increases motivation and curbs the temptation to skip training
To read more of Lisa's inspiring articles, please visit www.lisaraleigh.co.za.

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