Saturday, April 24, 2010

To juice or not to juice?

Many people have become accustomed to the sweet, sugary tastes of soft drinks and fruit juices, so the fresh taste of green juice can a little getting used to. Green juice offers a number of health benefits for the human body. Here are 10 very convincing reasons you should give it a try:

1. Cleanse & alkalise your body
Juicing leafy, green vegetables regulates and balances the pH of your body.

2. Fill up on enzymes
Freshly juiced drinks are the most nutritious source of live enzymes.

3. Make sure you get your daily dose of vitamins
Juiced vegetables are one of the best sources of absorbable amino acids, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and chlorophyll.

4. Go easy on your body
Juiced vegetables are easier for your digestive system to process. Extracting the juice from the fibre pre-digests the fruit and vegetables for you, making the nutrients easier to absorb. Fibre is still vital in the diet, so we recommend that you juice your vegetables and eat your fruit.

5. Make it easier to eat
Changing your lifestyle after years of consuming nutritionally inadequate food means that a lot of alkalising has to go on to address the imbalances in our bodies. Juicing gives you a really effective way to give your body the alkalising nutrients it requires to recover.

6. Hydrate yourself
Your body is comprised of over 70% water- just like the earth. Your blood is made up of 94% water. Vegetables, in their raw, natural state also have a high water content, so juicing them assist with proper hydration levels.

7. Detox with the right antioxidants
Antioxidants are revered for their ability to fortify the immune system, and green juice is rich in antioxidant content.

8. Oxygenate
When our bodies are in an acidic state the red blood cells congregate and prevent oxygen from circulating to each individual cell. Alkalising the body by drinking green juice enables them to flow, and ensures that oxygen can get to each red blood cell. Cellular oxygenation keeps you feeling energised.
9. Protect yourself from disease
Green vegetables, sprouts and grass juices are the most effective foods in preventing disease.
10. Calm down
Green juice is rich in magnesium and chlorophyll, which soothe and calm the nervous system, minimising stress levels in the body.

How to make your own green juice
(makes 1 litre)
5 baby marrows
1 pear
1 ½ green peppers
1 ½ cups of spinach
2 cups of broccoli
4 sticks of celery
Whizz up into a wholesome juice in your food processor, and try to drink within 20 minutes of preparation time.

Alternatively, contact Fruition Cafe for your daily dose of fresh green juice:
Tel: 021 674 2790 082 464 8911
7 Moss Street Fernwood Newlands 7700

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